Deutsch Intern
Department of General Practice

Working Group Climate and Planetary Health

The Climate and Planetary Health working group is a joint working group of the Department of General Practice at the University Hospital Würzburg and the Center for Study Program Management and Development (ZSME) at the Medical Faculty of Würzburg

Focus of the working group

The climate crisis and the threat of exceeding further planetary boundaries is seen as one of the greatest threats to human health. Too few people are aware of the rapidly growing scientific evidence in this area.

In the area of mitigation (climate protection - Prevent the unmanageable) and adaptation (climate impact adaptation - Manage the unpreventable), there is countless scope for action. People in healthcare professions and the healthcare sector have both a special responsibility and special opportunities here.

In several research projects, we want to show people in healthcare professions this responsibility and possible options for action and enable them to move from knowledge to concrete action.

Click here to go to the website of the Climate and Planetary Health Working Group.